" Was ok, had to read it for a college class. That's why the Queen loved his character so much. and his idea of death and honor is the most profound thing in the play. The relationship between Hal and Falstaff had to be one of the most convincing on stage friendships I've ever seen. " I'll be honest-I saw Henry IV at the Globe Theater fall 2010 season and their production blew me away. Another problem, some characters look too much alike to be esaily distinguishable. Enter KING HENRY, PRINCE HENRY, Lord John of LANCASTER, EARL OF WESTMORELAND, SIR WALTER BLUNT, and FALSTAFF KING HENRY IV How bloodily the sun begins to peer Above yon busky hill the day looks pale At his distemperature. Following the events in Richard II, Henry Bolingroke. It actually also relates to two other Shakespearean plays Richard II (which it follows) and Henry V (which it precedes). It is the first in a duology, the second being Henry IV, Part 2. " The small size and muddy color do not help this revamped Classics Illustrated (now packaged and marketed as a study cheat) succeed. Than that which hath no foil to set it off.' A history play by William Shakespeare. " This play was so dull that we actually gave up reading it in my Sophomore year High School English class because even Mr.
Henry iv part 1 audiobook full#
With a full cast it makes the reading quicker and easier to understand.

" Good story though I didn't like Sir John! I listened to the Audio Book as I read along. " My favorite Shakespeare play, it combines adventure, comedy, history, and tragedy together to form one of Shakespeare's broadest reaching plays. " This is obviously a 5 and by far my favorite so far of the histories, but I fear I have much more learning and rereading to do before I can officially change its ranking and fully articulate why.